Hi, I’m Sherron, from the South, and I am a bookaholic.

I currently have my dream job, which is freelance editing. —More to read!

My mother is also an avid reader like me so we’ve always shared books back and forth. Now with the digital age we share a nook account. Works out great. She buys some, I buy some, and we both get to read without mailing the books to each other.

Recently, I was trying to get into the B&N account to add a couple of books to our library. My password didn’t work. Repeatedly. I can’t change it because they wanted to email something to my mother’s email.

I remember she’d recently had a complete computer apocalypse, and had been forced to change some passwords that only the old computer had known. I thought maybe B&N was one of them.

I email; she sends the password. Funny, it’s the old one, the one I thought I’d tried. Nonetheless I look up the book again, and try to log in to buy it. Password denied. S L O W L Y, typing each letter one at a time, I re-enter and I’m again denied. I call my mother to make sure she hadn’t changed it. She’s sure. She reads it off to me one letter at a time so I can type it in while she’s on the phone with me. She says a letter and I say it as I type it. A–A, B–B, C–C…and so on to the end. I press enter and get my old familiar response. Either the email or the password is wrong, and we know the email is correct, I can see it.

Sighing with the burden of having to make sacrifices for your children, Mom says, “Well I’m logged in. I’ll go and reset the password but I’m resetting it to the same one.

“Great!” I say.

She mutters each step as she does it: getting into her account, proving again that she’s the owner, deleting the “old” password and entering a new one (the same one). She ends with, “Okay, I’m done. Try it now.”

“It’s a miracle!” I say. “I’m in.”

The rest of the story:

I’m finally in because while she had been busily resetting things for me, I had finally looked up to the top of the screen. All this time I had been determinedly typing the Barnes & Noble password into Amazon’s ID box. I quickly changed over to the correct bookstore, and voila! Piece of cake. I just let my mother believe that the resetting had done it and we hung up. Sorry Mom. At least it’s a funny story?

My blog (www.SoSimplySO.com) has posts about writing and editing, and poetry, interspersed with stories from my life, which are often funny and occasionally maudlin.


Please join us in our Guest of Jest series.

Here are the rules:

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself, including where you are from.
  2. Give us some info about your blog.  Make sure to add your link to it.
  3. Write up something amusing.  It doesn’t have to be “laugh out loud” funny, but a bit of humor would be great.
  4. Pictures optional, but encouraged.
  5. The post can be one that has been posted before.
  6. Reblog if you would like.  Please link back here, if you do.

The piece can be anything that is humorous.  A story, a recollection, even something as simple as a joke.

Just email Linda at mainepaperpusher@yahoo.com with a submission and you will be scheduled for publication in order of submission.  This series will run every Friday on mainepaperpusher.wordpress.com 


The featured image was created by Silas at  The Diary of a Weird Teen Boy 


17 thoughts on “Guest in Jest #2 Simply So

  1. Oh Sherron- who hasn’t been through the AGONY of the incorrect password fiasco! You kept calm and wrote a funny story about it – I’m usually on the verge of computer -cide when I realise it’s me doing something wrong! Brilliant story- 100% relatable! 😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lol! I’ve been there. Mom doesn’t need to know that child had a oopsie moment. Just let her shine. Great story Sherron. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Yes it’s funny actuall. how hateful it is when we keep trying and trying without any success, while the problem isn’t from the account but it is ours; we have a wandering mind.

    Liked by 1 person

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