My husband Bill is a health nut.  He reads everything he can get his hands on about food.  Mostly he wants to know what the latest research says he should be eating.  Those “rules” change often, but the latest one is a doozy!

Bill had read an article stating that rice has high levels of arsenic.  However, rice from India, Thailand, and California did not have as much.  So the other night we had the server at our favorite Thai place check the origin of their rice.  Our faithful waitperson came back with the info.  He said they used a couple of types of rice.  One was from Thailand and, he proudly proclaimed, “the brown rice is from the good old US of A!”  I saw the look in Bill’s eyes and I knew what was coming.  “What state in the US?”

The server blinked, looked confused, and then headed back to the kitchen. He was back in a flash.  Before he even reached our table he announced for all to hear “Arkansas!”  I could see by the look on Bill’s face that he was sorely disappointed.  Being the healthy guy he is, brown rice was the only type he would ever eat.  To find out that his favorite rice was from one of the most arsenic-laden rice states was a blow.

We eat at that Thai restaurant frequently, which is probably why the server was willing to go on a rice fact-finding mission for us.  Now Bill needed to make some decisions regarding his starch choices there.  I knew it was a lost cause, but on the way home I tried to give some helpful suggestions:

Question:  Maybe noodles would be nice?   Answer:  No, they are made with processed flour!

Question:  What about rice noodles, they’re good!  Answer:  No, they use white rice for that and who knows where THAT rice came from?

Question:  What if you had them use the “safe” Thai rice and you could just eat a little of it?  Answer:  It’s white!!!

It must be terrible to be a rice racist.  Being married to one has its challenges, too.

45 thoughts on “The Rice Racist

    1. Hey, tomorrow it will be something else. I can’t even keep up with his research. I know that I wasn’t supposed to drink coffee, then I was, then I was…I drank coffee through it all, much to his chagrin!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. If Bill lived in Brazil he’d certainly have stopped eating meat altogether, since the recent scandal involving famous producers and paper. haha

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A heath nut should more exercise than eating. No offence to Bill. Just joking. But in the US, any food item is tested to evaluate if it is fit for human consumption. So even if brown rice is from a state where ground has a lot of arsenic, FDA would not allow consumption of such rice if arsenic level is above permissible limit. Hope, your husband may be able to enjoy his meals peacefully.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, he gets more exercise than anyone I know. He used to be a mailman and walked over 12 miles a day. Now that he’s retired he only walks 5 or 6 miles. Plus he hikes, bikes and everything else under the sun. Believe me, he understands that the FDA is watching over the food, he just thinks they aren’t stringent enough!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Dear, I feel for you, my hubby is the same about his steak, and by the end of the meal, I am fervently praying for the ground to open up and swallow me whole…… Tell your hubby rice from China is the best – it is full of insectides and so genetically engineered, he might mutate just by eating it 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I’ll tell him. I’m a big fan of Indian basmati and Thai rice is awesome, too. Thank goodness those weren’t on the list as being the worst! I laughed about your husband and the steak. I can almost picture it. What is his record for sending a steak back? What is it with these guys? Obviously, they should be perfect like are! 😉


    2. Haha, I’ll tell him. I’m a big fan of Indian basmati and Thai rice is awesome, too. Thank goodness those weren’t on the list as being the worst! I laughed about your husband and the steak. I can almost picture it. What is his record for sending a steak back? What is it with these guys? Obviously, they should be perfect like we are! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. He has sent steaks back because his medium steak is still ‘bleeding’ and the chef kept saying it’s just the ‘jus’…. He gets even madder when I tell him not to be so difficult. *sigh* Boys, so fussy…..


  4. HAHAHA! That has me truly laughing out loud! Poor Bill……trying to make the best decision and the options are choosing the lesser of the evils. Thanks for sharing!!

    Liked by 1 person

              1. To be honest, I saw your comment directly when you replied to me, actually, I took a moment to think about words to thank you and showing my gratitude to you, but clearly, I could not find, at the end, words are really powerless to express my gratitude. To share you other things, I do not know, why I feel so comfortable while I am reading your blogs. I like it too much.
                In addition , your comment this could make a sudden change to my life to better, it is so powerful comment, which I have never seen like this whole my life. You filled my heart
                Thank you, and may God bless you and your family too 🌹

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Oh Hussein, this comment made me cry it was so sweet. I am happy to have made you happy. I know you want to learn more English and I want you to let me know if there is any way I can help. I am teaching (and learning) idioms with a dear new friend in Brazil. I’d love to do the same with you. 🙂 ❤

                  Liked by 1 person

  5. lol
    I loved the blog and for sure this small story is very funny and amusing. Even more because, if I’m not that racist regarding rice, for sure I love it! For almost my entire life I didn’t think of a meal without rice being a “real” meal 😉 rs

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You crack me up my friend. Tell your husband that everything is prone to change. What was good yesterday will no longer be tomorrow and vice verse. Nobody knows. If you listened to everything, there is probably nothing we can eat unless we grow it ourselves.
    Thanks for making me lol once again.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, I think he knows that things will change. However, he’s convinced they will not change the way he wants them to, and he’s usually right. I figure whole wheat bread, unsalted nuts, and well water will be the next carcinogenic things. Soon he’ll be eating sticks and sucking liquid out of a reverse osmosis system.


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