Have you ever dreamed of something knowing it would never come true?  Ok, I don’t mean a date with latest hot movie star.  I’m referring to something that is possible, but highly improbable.  In my case, it was an offhand comment one of my very own WordPress followers made to me months ago.  Dominique said something along the lines of:  “We should meet in person, maybe at the beach!”  We both laughed saying how cool that would be.  Little did we know…

Half of that dream came true for us a couple of weeks ago. Four of us met in Dominique’s fair city of Montreal.  The dream came true, and then some.  Not only did I get to meet Dominique from 3C Style, I also met Dee Dee from INVISIBLE-NO-MORE and Darren from The Arty Plantsman.  Yup, I got to meet three of my favorite bloggers in real life!  Dreams do come true!  I never in a million years would have guessed that the four of us, from the West Coast, the East Coast, Canada and England would ever be in the same place at the same time.  But we did!!

The tricky part of this journey was that I wanted to stay at the same hotel that Darren and Dee Dee were in.  The hotel only had one night free in the appropriate timeframe, so I booked it.  That meant 5 hours to Montreal, 24 hours there, and then the next day driving five hours home.  I just want to make it clear that I am married to a saint.  Since I can no longer drive, he made the trip and even did it with a smile on his face.  He even braved city traffic like a champ.  Yup, I picked a good one.

Bill really liked my blogging friends, and this trip dispelled an insane belief of his…he thought that there wasn’t any possible way that online friends could be as close as friends you could talk to face to face.  It didn’t take him long to figure out that wasn’t true.  He was astounded how the four of us enjoyed each other’s company and what a strong bond we have.  Hah!!!  That argument has been put to bed!  He knows better now!

The funny thing was that Bill met them before I did.  We arrived at the hotel and he went in search of a bottle of water.  He came back telling me that my friends were in the café next to the lobby.  He knew this because a guy he didn’t know called out his name.  Here he was in Montreal and someone is called him by name as he crosses a hotel lobby.  I don’t know how he did it, but Darren remembered a pic I had posted many months ago that showed Bill feeding some geese.  Darren has a memory like a steel trap, keep that in mind if you do something best forgotten.

You might wonder what on earth we could do in the span of 24 hours.  Let me tell you, we packed those few hours to the brim!  We had dinner at this wonderful Indian restaurant and just chatted up a storm.  Even though many of you have seen this selfie on Instagram, I’ll still post it in here and you can see just how much fun we were having. Dee Dee is on the left, Darren is at the top, Dominique on the right and I’m peeking up from the bottom.  My selfie skills are suspect, but I really like this photo.


Dominique took the one below and that’s Bill on the left.  I tell you that because you might be in a hotel lobby someday and want to shout out his name.  I’m just sayin’


I only saw Dee Dee for one evening but she and Bill hit it off immediately because they both love protein drinks.  It makes me shudder when I think about what color they are.  Care to guess?  I expect some really fun responses to this one.  Below you will see another one of my truncated selfies, but Dee Dee looks great!


Dominique provided many fun moments.  It just goes to show you how much I really love her because she’s a *shudder* Coke fan and I prefer Pepsi.  You know how we cola people are.  There is no middle ground, it’s either one or the other and never both.  In spite of her totally misguided Coke ways, I did get this pic…she said she’d hold the can as long as she didn’t have to drink the contents.  Pffft!


Darren provided us with the greatest gift of all.  He smiled.  He got a call from Dominique because she had a boot emergency and it actually made him laugh!  Before the trip, he told us he never does either but I have pics to prove him wrong.  Actually, I have pics of all sorts of things…except the boots.  I would have paid to have been there for that.  You must ask her about it when you next visit her blog.  😉


Dominique was a perfect host as she drove us around the Old City showing us points of interest.  She drives the busy streets of the city like a mad woman.  I loved it!  We had lunch at a charming café and I had so much fun, I can’t wait to go again.

We tentatively have plans to get together in the spring.  And who knows, maybe we’ll meet at the beach!





36 thoughts on ““Maybe We Could Meet At The Beach”

  1. Thanks again to you and Bill for making this long road to Montreal. I enjoyed the time spent with you so much. You’re right, dreams can come true! Your selfies are superb compared to those I tried to do. Ask Dee-Dee and Darren. They are probably both still laughing at my many unfortunate attempts. Did you notice that I wore my Coca-Cola necklace the day you took the picture of me holding YOUR Pepsi can in my hand? It makes me think of a joke. I’m going to send you an email today about this. I love the picture you took of Darren. You immortalized a gorgeous smile and a very very special moment. See you soon dear friend. At the beach or anywhere, it does not matter. What matters is not really the place but the people we are with! Much love. xoxo

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Haha! I did notice you were wearing your Coca-Cola necklace, but I didn’t think it would show in the pic. Well, now everyone knows. Drat! Yes, we will certainly see each other soon. At the beach, in OUR café, or wherever else we end up together. As long as we are together, it will be fabulous! Love you so much! 🤗❤️

      Liked by 2 people

          1. Hihi… By the way, I have Cathi on my team as well. Lol! The good thing is that you will never drink my last can of diet coke and I will not take your Pepsi! And know that I love you, despite your taste deficiencies. 😉

            Liked by 2 people

  2. Linda, I was so delighted we could all get together and I was stunned that we all immediately bonded like we had met years ago. It was such a happy time for me, and an important one too. I love you all so much.

    I really wish the rest of my memory was as good as my visual memory! I am really good with faces and with plants (of course). We were watching TV the other night and Susan asked me what she had seen one of the actresses in. It took a few minutes but I remembered it was a BBC drama. A quick google search tells me that show ended in 1994…

    I usually hate pictures of myself but admit that I like all of these. Especially the one of the rare smile! That photo of Dominique with the pepsi can delights me as it shows her amazing sense of humour.

    I intend to relate the full story of the boots incident in a post looking “Behind the scenes with 3C Style” in two weeks time to coincide with our next collaborative post.

    All the very best to you and Bill, much love and hugs!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Haha, I knew you would do a post about the boots!

      I can’t tell you how much your friendship means to me. And yes, now you can’t say that you NEVER smile! I have proof!

      Yes, Dominiques’s photo with the Pepsi can amused me to end, but you notice that I didn’t include the pic where she was absolutely over-the-top amusing. I’m not sure everyone would understand why she was lying on the sidewalk! Haha!

      Sending love, and of course, many hugs! ❤️🤗 🤗 🤗

      Liked by 3 people

  3. What a trip it was! So glad that I made it over there. You wouldn’t believe the look on my face when Darren yelled out (as much as Darren can yell) BILL! 😳 I almost wet my pants!!
    So many people have asked me if the meeting was awkward, or a “let down” since I didn’t “really know you all”. How shocked they were to learn that you really can get to know folks through blogging😆. I have a whole list of people that I KNOW I will love instantly, if I ever get to meet them in person💕 Love you all so much😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You do know I am dying laughing here, right? I had an idea that you were having fun whilst we on our way home, but the ostrich farm would have been a lot of fun, and well worth staying for! I will never forget the look on your face when Dominique called you for the boot removal. I will never stop laughing! It was a fantastic trip and I can’t wait to go back again. Bill is game, too! We were just talking about it today. 🤗 🤗🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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