I’m going to try to stick to my humorous tone here because that’s how I deal with scary situations.  It’s how I dealt with epilepsy and cancer and my docs thought I was nuts to be joking around.

This time I’m going to try joking about a national manhunt for local guy who just killed a sheriff’s deputy, and mortally injured another. He’s on the run nearby and the area is rife with local and state police.  The FBI is here, along with SWAT teams and helicopters.  It’s really quite exciting…or it would be if it were on the news and not nearby.

As for the humorous commentary, I’m having a hard time with this one.  Wendy is here, thank goodness.  For those of you who don’t know Wendy, she comes to clean for us and is a loyal and true friend.  She walked in with a loaded gun.  She’s not taking any chances.  Neither am I.   I am such a liberal in almost every way.  However, I live in the country and I had a very scary incident with an intruder here in the past.  That episode made me realize that I could kill someone if I truly felt threatened.  I had no weapons that night, but I do now.  I never do things halfway, as many of you know.  I currently have a Smith and Wesson snub nose loaded with hollow point bullets.  No one is ever going to enter this house unwelcomed ever again.  If they do, it will be a one-way trip.

So here we are, two crazy old(ish) ladies armed to the teeth with two huge dogs, ready for anything.  Pity the UPS guy if he walks onto the porch!  Ok, I’m not saying we would shoot the UPS guy but he’d get a surprise, that’s for sure.  Can you imagine the look on his face?  My guess is deliveries are suspended for that very reason.  We aren’t the only people ready to take the shooter out, if necessary.

Yesterday Bill was subbing at a school within walking distance of the shooting.  Thank goodness he’s in a different school today, but cops are still in the area of that school, too.  Schools are in lockdown and lockout for miles around.  They tell the kids that they have to practice for a lockdown just in case a bad man is in the area.  What?  Are there no psycho women out there with guns?  These days it could be an elementary school kid.  Bill had an eight-year-old who made threats just a few weeks ago.  Pretty soon there will be babies with bump stocks terrorizing kids at daycare!

Ok, my attempts at humor are falling flat, but writing here is making me feel better.  It’s funny how that works.  Not only is WP my community of friends, but writing is cathartic.  Thanks so much for letting me vent.  Fingers crossed, the guy will be caught soon.  It was reported that he had texted a family member saying that he had a high powered rifle and he wouldn’t be taken alive so he’s got nothing left to lose.

67 thoughts on “Manhunt

  1. Well… The U.S.A. is a straaaange place… As is Brazil. Portugal is waaaaay less scary. First, hope everything ends well, that no one else gets hurt because of this person (not even him). Second, be safe. And if you need something, we can listen (read) to you, at least 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Let’s work to make the world a better place. For everybody. And much can be done if we show respect for the others, appreciation for the difference, if we are willing to help those in need. Right? Even our words can be a source of changing in the World. I think 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are so right. I never thought I would ever have a gun until I was faced with a really scary situation. Respect for others ceases when they are threatening me or my family. I am very pro-gun reform…background checks, registrations…happy to see those put in place. When there is a killer on the loose, I like to know that I have more than two big dogs to protect me. If only those types of situations never happened…

          Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s as if reading a script for a tv show. In Poland we can’t just go and get a gun. I somehow like the idea of defending yourself but on the on the other hand it gets scary when you hear the news about shootings in US.

    Stay safe!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Poland is sane!! The US is gun crazy. There is part of me that wishes we couldn’t get guns here, either. Unfortunately, the bad guys have them and they certainly aren’t afraid of any weapon that is less effective.


  3. The world is in such crazy times now. Nowhere is “safe”. I’m with you, in that I am fairly open-minded, but I have strong opinions on how the world got into madness. And it is not Trump, nor “climate change” nor capitalism and not “religious” fanatics. These are symptoms of the underlying problem. It’s because people – everywhere who used to care about each other, raise each other’s kids, teach and practice – respect authority, ask questions and accept, if not agree with, different cultures and different views, now has no moral compass. Now you cannot even go to places where people congregate without thinking some nut with van may run you down. I try to look at the best of humanity, and find humor. And hope the worst get eaten by hungry invading aliens (outer space, not ‘undocumented’)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think you are right about it being an underlying problem. Bill is retired but he subs at the local schools sometimes and he says it is astounding to see how many kids have no parenting at all. They come to school and having to follow rules is alien to them. How horrible is it that teachers have to step in to take on the burden of what used to be a parent’s role. Religious intolerance certainly seems to be a major factor, but where did the intolerance come from in the first place? I like your alien (no undocumented) solution. Unfortunately, the bad people probably wouldn’t be as tasty as the rest of us. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Scary situation and hope it is resolved without anyone else being hurt.

    We once went to an indoor archery shoot just round the corner from our house (in fact the building next to the one housing the hogwarts express at the time). We could hear helicopters circling overhead and joked about our being spotted walking round the corner with our bows.
    We discovered later that evening that they were police helicopters who were in fact looking for a suspect who had earlier shot someone – with a bow! I am glad we were already indoors as I dread to imagine what could have happened if we had been seen.

    Liked by 3 people

                    1. What brought you to Bangor? I think of it as a little-known gem, actually.

                      The bus, that used to be known as The Bat goes all over the area. I think it’s now known as the Community Connector or something else that’s much more boring than The Bat.

                      Downtown is nice. There is a great children’s museum and a free art museum. If you like to do nature walks, biking or running, the Bangor City Forest is outstanding. There are some good restaurants, too.

                      Haha, look at me spewing out stuff to do and you’re not even mobile yet. Seriously, give me a shout when you want to know more. As you can tell, I am happy to talk about my previous home city.

                      Liked by 1 person

  5. I am so sorry you are going through this. It feels sad to say that I know exactly what it is like. We had a murderer dump his car in our yard and bail on foot. You take care of yourself! *great big hugs*

    Liked by 2 people

        1. He’s still at large, but the FBI just put out a reward for any info about him, so we’ll see if that helps. Bill worked at the school today that is literally next door to the house where the body was found. That made me just a bit nervous! I’m sending love back!!! ❤️

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  6. I know exactly what you mean. When you live in the country you have to be able to keep yourself safe. Most times the police are not close at hand. You hope and pray someone doesn’t do something so foolish to come in uninvited. You have to do what you have to do, the same would happen at my house. Stay safe my friend. Hope they catch this person soon. Prayers to the families who lost a loved one especially one who puts their life on the line willingly for all of us. 💟

    Liked by 3 people

    1. We don’t have any local town police here. The sheriff’s department and state police are all we have. Those folks are all hunting where they THINK he is. If he got hold of another car (he stole and ditched a cruiser) then he could be anywhere. Hugs to you, my friend! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Man, I’ve been there! It can be hard out in the country when you don’t have local police and first responders available when you need them quickly. Gotta hold your own! I’m with you and would be doing the same. Take care and stay safe! 💜💙💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They are on full alert! They still haven’t caught the guy. The FBI has put out a reward. We’ll see if that helps. Bill worked at the Norridgewock school today, and heard that the body was found at the house next to that very school!! I’m not a happy Linda knowing that he was right there the day before and the day after all of this stuff happened!

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    1. I read about the Dallas officer. Such a tragedy. Yeah, you wouldn’t think Home Depot would be worth all of that. Our killer robbed a convenience store, but I think it was after the murder. No one knows exactly what happened. I just hope they catch him soon. The FBI is offering a reward, so that might help.


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